We are SAVi.

TES-SAVi – Helping You Realize the Promise of MOSA.

Our Company

TES-SAVi focuses on delivering capabilities to the warfighter at the speed of relevance by helping companies reap the benefits of the Modular Open System Approach (MOSA), Model-Based System and Software Engineering (MBSE), and Digital Engineering (DE), through open-based standards such as Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE®), Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST), Sensor Open System Architecture (SOSA), and C4ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS). 

Our experts guide your team through the system development process utilizing advanced Digital Engineering (DE), MBSE tools and agile processes to implement a product line approach for System, SW, and HW development.   

TES-SAVi distinguishes itself through:

·        Innovative, transformative, and intuitive products, such as AWESUM®, FAME, and AFCE-178 (FACE Software Operating Environment (SOE) stack)

·        Applied, real-world, and in-house subject matter expertise in emerging approaches and standards such as MOSA, FACE, SOSA, HOST, CMOSS, Digital Engineering (DE)/Digital Thread (DT)

·        Conformance and Verification services: TES-SAVi is a certified FACE Verification Authority (VA) and has been significantly involved in defining HOST conformance through SBIR efforts with the Navy

·        Personalized, responsive, and level-appropriate product support,custom training, and SME services

·        Training with beginner and advanced courses for all computing environment segments and FACE Data Architecture (in-person or virtual training available)

TES-SAVi focused on delivering capabilities to the warfighter at the speed of relevance by helping companies reap the benefits of the Modular Open System Approach (MOSA), Model-Based System and Software Engineering (MBSE), and Digital Engineering (DE), through open-based standards such as Future Airborne Capability Environment (FACE®), Hardware Open Systems Technologies (HOST), Sensor Open System Architecture (SOSA), and C4ISR/EW Modular Open Suite of Standards (CMOSS). 

Our experts guide your team through the system development process utilizing advanced Digital Engineering (DE), MBSE tools and agile processes to implement a product line approach for System, SW, and HW development.   

TES-SAVi distinguishes itself through:

·        Innovative, transformative, and intuitive products, such as AWESUM®, FAME, and AFCE-178 (FACE Software Operating Environment (SOE))

·        Applied, real-world, and in-house subject matter expertise in emerging approaches and standards such as MOSA, FACE, SOSA, HOST, CMOSS, Digital Engineering (DE)/Digital Thread (DT)

·        Conformance and Verification services: TES-SAVi is a certified FACE Verification Authority (VA) and has been significantly involved in defining HOST conformance through SBIR efforts with the Navy

·        Personalized, responsive, and level-appropriate product support,custom training, and SME services

·        Training with beginner and advanced courses for all computing environment segments and FACE Data Architecture (in-person or virtual training available)


Established 2013 at the FACE® F2F member meeting in Tucson, AZ, TES-SAVi is a commercial and military aviation products and services company helping realize modular open system approaches and digital engineering/digital thread. Our industry-unique innovative product line, AWESUM®, and in-house experienced engineering support services speed capability integration to the warfighter. TES-SAVi is committed to supporting your company’s needs.

TES-SAVi was the industry’s first FACE® Verification Authority (VA) (May 2014), and is a member and contributing author of the Future Aviation Capability Environment (FACE) Consortium’s since the Consortium’s inception in 2010. TES-SAVi are co-chairs and active participants of several working subcommittees. TES-SAVi has hosted FACE member’s meetings, and is called to assist the design, contracting, and execution of FACE Technical Interchange Meetings (see ASA/ASLT About FACE, 2015).

Products directly supporting the FACE Technical Standard

·        FAME – Supports full data architecture data model development for FACE 2.X, 3.X, and generation of TSS artifacts

·        AFCE-178 – FACE Airworthy TS, TA, TPM, Configuration, Logging, HMFM, and IOS (Generic, Discrete, M1553, Serial)


FACE Verification Authority

·        Full VA Services

·        Gap analysis

Training and Support
  •  Beginner and advanced courses and SME support in all computing environment segments and FACE Data Architecture (Data Modeling), in-person, or on-site.

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A TES-SAVi, we have a dedicated and talented team eager to work with you.  TES-SAVi team members have years of individual industry experience and look forward to assisting you in your most difficult and complex endeavors!


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