FACE™ TIM Paper: Harnessing the Richness of the FACE Technical Standard

The FACE™ Consortium was established to develop a software Reference Architecture (RA) enabling the reuse of applications for safe and secure software intensive systems. However, the FACE RA is not enough on its own to develop reusable safe and secure systems across organizations. We believe one must leverage advanced Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA), open technical standards, and advanced technical processes in a digital engineering environment.

This paper presents TES-SAVi’s Model-based Modular Open Systems Approach (MMOSA), AWESUM® model-based tool suite and a case study for employing MMOSA to develop the U.S. Army’s Aviation Radio Control Manager (ARCM) components to meet DO-178C DAL C and FACE Edition 3.1 conformance. The overall result is the realization of the promise of the FACE open standard goal for enabling rapid reusable UoC development and simplified integration of UoCs for building composable systems.

